Factor 55 Accessories

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Factor 55 Accessories

At TWD 4×4, we’re excited to bring you the cutting-edge recovery gear from Factor 55, a leader in innovative design and engineering. Based in Boise, Idaho, Factor 55 has a strong foundation in the aerospace and defense industries, allowing them to craft some of the most durable and advanced recovery solutions on the market.

We proudly offer a wide selection of their gear here in Australia, from comprehensive recovery kits to shackles, straps, and more. One of their standout innovations is Closed System Winching™, a revolutionary technique that replaces traditional open hooks with closed-link hardware. Factor 55’s patented ProLink®, FlatLink®, and UltraHook® winch line shackle mounts provide unmatched strength and security, even during slack conditions where winch loads might shift.

With Closed System Winching, you can approach the toughest recoveries with greater confidence, knowing you’re using the most secure winch rigging available. Whether you’re tackling off-road adventures or heavy-duty recoveries, Factor 55’s gear gives you the reliability and peace of mind needed for any challenge.

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