ANNOUNCEMENT: TWD 4×4 Now Accepting Bitcoin

With the current social, economic and political environment (both in Australia and in our supplier nations abroad), it has become apparent that some form of business interaction with bitcoin is a necessity in order for TWD 4×4 to remain at the forefront of best business practice, innovation, critical thinking, and overall trends within our industry.

After much consideration, the use, acceptance and overarching ethos of bitcoin has become too compelling to ignore as a business.

On 1 January 2022, private shareholders unanimously elected to commence accepting bitcoin as a means of payment for all products and services offered at TWD 4×4.

As such, we will accept bitcoin in return for services rendered at all TWD 4×4 stores across Australia. Any and all bitcoin received as payment from customers and clients will be held on our balance sheet as a long term investment. Just in the same way we strategically invest in staff, inventory, plant and equipment etc., our investment policy has now expanded to allow for long term savings in the form of digital property.

We are excited to finally contribute to growing the use of bitcoin as a medium of exchange, securing the network with an on-site bitcoin node, and the overall drive for a better future for us all on a bitcoin standard. Fix the money, fix the world.

Special shoutout to Anthony Pompliano and The Best Business Show Podcast for their content (in particular Perth Heats’ Steve Nelkoski’s episode), as well as Arcadia Digital for their boots on the ground support, each of whom were pivotal in getting us to this milestone. To learn more about bitcoin, take a look at this bitcoin article from Arcadia Digital.

More exciting announcements to come including bitcoin collaborations, discounts and promotions! 😈

Harry is our Sydney-based 4×4 expert, he knows everything there is to know about 4WD’s and loves testing out new products.
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